[4/14/2014 - 4:05:40 PM]
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600]
(c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup>
[4/14/2014 - 4:05:40 PM]
CD /D C:\

[4/14/2014 - 4:05:40 PM]

C:\>set path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files 

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\vss_7_8_2008_2012_64.exe" -script="C:\Windows\temp\vss-setvar.bat" -exec="C:\Windows\temp\vss.bat" C: 

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:02 PM]

C:\>set path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files 

C:\>call "C:\Windows\temp\vss-setvar.bat" 

[This script is generated by VSHADOW.EXE for the shadow set {49b09129-64fd-4a51-8a20-219556d411b2}]

C:\>SET SHADOW_SET_ID={49b09129-64fd-4a51-8a20-219556d411b2} 

C:\>SET SHADOW_ID_1={14bc3644-042c-40a5-b09a-5e60cc21d93d} 

C:\>SET SHADOW_DEVICE_1=\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe" -a B: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:02 PM]
Current definition: B: = \??\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe"

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:02 PM]
B: = \??\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 [RamDisk] *** LOGICAL DRIVE BIT NOT SET ***
C: = \Device\HarddiskVolume2 [Fixed]
D: = \Device\HarddiskVolume3 [Fixed]
E: = \Device\HarddiskVolume4 [Fixed]
X: = \Device\CdRom1 [CDRom]
Z: = \Device\CdRom0 [CDRom]

C:\>dir B: 

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:02 PM]
 Volume in drive B is OS
 Volume Serial Number is 2686-D07E

 Directory of B:\

04/14/2014  02:20 PM        53,089,548 0450144.flv
02/28/2014  09:07 PM        85,184,611 480P_400k_18044202.mp4
02/25/2014  11:34 AM       293,134,616 480P_480k_18257252.mp4
04/14/2014  12:20 PM       107,818,583 480P_507k_17962912.mp4
04/14/2014  12:18 PM        55,200,794 480P_600K_15434101.mp4
03/31/2014  04:00 PM       137,945,772 480P_600k_17364872.mp4
03/31/2014  04:05 PM       272,242,569 480P_600k_17404952.mp4
03/29/2014  04:05 PM        65,366,416 480P_600k_17819042.mp4
04/14/2014  12:20 PM       164,552,263 480P_600k_17963082.mp4
03/31/2014  06:15 PM       140,108,560 480P_600k_24802212.mp4
09/23/2013  04:37 PM    <DIR>          android-ndk-r9
01/08/2014  03:33 PM    <DIR>          android-sdk
03/18/2014  09:15 AM                12 csed.dat
09/27/2013  11:01 PM                 0 FileRecovery.log
01/24/2014  08:26 AM           165,659 MyXML.xml
08/22/2013  08:22 AM    <DIR>          PerfLogs
12/24/2013  06:04 PM            12,288 power.pow
03/28/2014  03:09 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
04/08/2014  01:42 PM    <DIR>          Program Files (x86)
09/23/2013  05:29 PM    <DIR>          RegBackup
04/03/2010  02:03 PM               109 remove_thumbs_db.bat
01/17/2014  11:07 PM    <DIR>          Saves
10/14/2013  03:01 PM    <DIR>          Step3
02/10/2014  11:12 AM               366 TDSSKiller.
02/13/2014  03:36 PM               366 TDSSKiller.
09/23/2013  05:14 PM    <DIR>          TTB
12/17/2013  04:12 PM    <DIR>          Users
04/09/2014  09:24 AM    <DIR>          Windows
              17 File(s)  1,374,822,532 bytes
              11 Dir(s)  103,367,454,720 bytes free

C:\>start "" /wait "D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\vss_pause.exe" 

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:14 PM]

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe" -r -d B: 

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:14 PM]
Current definition: B: = \??\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1
B: deleted.

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:15 PM]

VSHADOW.EXE 3.0 - Volume Shadow Copy sample client.
Copyright (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

(Option: Generate SETVAR script 'C:\Windows\temp\vss-setvar.bat')
(Option: Execute binary/script after shadow creation 'C:\Windows\temp\vss.bat')
(Option: Create shadow copy set)
(Gathering writer metadata...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Initialize writer metadata ...
Discover directly excluded components ...
- Excluding writer 'Shadow Copy Optimization Writer' since it has no selected components for restore.
- Excluding writer 'BITS Writer' since it has no selected components for restore.
Discover components that reside outside the shadow set ...
- Component '\BCD\BCD' from writer 'ASR Writer' is excluded from backup (it requires  in the shadow set)
Discover all excluded components ...
Discover excluded writers ...
- The writer 'ASR Writer' is now entirely excluded from the backup:
  (the top-level non-selectable component '\BCD\BCD' is an excluded component)
Discover explicitly included components ...
Verifying explicitly specified writers/components ...
Select explicitly included components ...
 * Writer 'Task Scheduler Writer':
   - Add component \TasksStore
 * Writer 'VSS Metadata Store Writer':
   - Add component \WriterMetadataStore
 * Writer 'Performance Counters Writer':
   - Add component \PerformanceCounters
 * Writer 'System Writer':
   - Add component \System Files
 * Writer 'Registry Writer':
   - Add component \Registry
 * Writer 'WMI Writer':
   - Add component \WMI
 * Writer 'COM+ REGDB Writer':
   - Add component \COM+ REGDB
Creating shadow set {49b09129-64fd-4a51-8a20-219556d411b2} ...
- Adding volume \\?\Volume{662d244e-2495-11e3-a5eb-806e6f6e6963}\ [C:\] to the shadow set...
Preparing for backup ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Creating the shadow (DoSnapshotSet) ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Shadow copy set succesfully created.

List of created shadow copies: 

Querying all shadow copies with the SnapshotSetID {49b09129-64fd-4a51-8a20-219556d411b2} ...

* SNAPSHOT ID = {14bc3644-042c-40a5-b09a-5e60cc21d93d} ...
   - Shadow copy Set: {49b09129-64fd-4a51-8a20-219556d411b2}
   - Original count of shadow copies = 1
   - Original Volume name: \\?\Volume{662d244e-2495-11e3-a5eb-806e6f6e6963}\ [C:\]
   - Creation Time: 4/14/2014 4:06:01 PM
   - Shadow copy device name: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1
   - Originating machine: SMC
   - Service machine: SMC
   - Not Exposed
   - Provider id: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
   - Attributes:  Auto_Release Differential

Generating the SETVAR script (C:\Windows\temp\vss-setvar.bat) ... 
- Executing command 'C:\Windows\temp\vss.bat' ...
- Mark all writers as succesfully backed up... 
Completing the backup (BackupComplete) ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)

Snapshot creation done.

[4/14/2014 - 4:06:20 PM]
Closed. No longer reading pipes.
[4/15/2014 - 3:28:46 PM]
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup>
[4/15/2014 - 3:28:46 PM]
CD /D C:\

[4/15/2014 - 3:28:46 PM]

C:\>set path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files 

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\vss_xp.exe" -script="C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss-setvar.bat" -exec="C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss.bat" C: 

[4/15/2014 - 3:28:59 PM]

C:\>set path=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files 

C:\>call "C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss-setvar.bat" 

[4/15/2014 - 3:28:59 PM]

[This script is generated by VSHADOW.EXE for the shadow set {98530328-912d-45d9-a810-41cae21f37d5}]

C:\>SET SHADOW_SET_ID={98530328-912d-45d9-a810-41cae21f37d5} 

C:\>SET SHADOW_ID_1={e656c312-557c-4015-851e-ee365a035892} 

C:\>SET SHADOW_DEVICE_1=\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe" -a B: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1 

[4/15/2014 - 3:28:59 PM]

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe"

[4/15/2014 - 3:28:59 PM]

C:\>dir B: 
 Volume in drive B has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 0437-9C0F

 Directory of B:\

08/28/2013  03:01 AM    <DIR>          311050af9070b2f4f251
05/06/2012  08:37 AM    <DIR>          867edff9a6504c0eeb03e91072a2b2
05/06/2012  08:22 AM                 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT
04/10/2014  05:25 PM               601 av.mof
05/24/2012  12:57 PM               302 boot.ini.SAB
05/06/2012  08:22 AM                 0 CONFIG.SYS
02/19/2013  03:47 PM             2,929 Documents
03/03/2014  07:50 PM    <DIR>          Documents and Settings
06/15/2010  11:15 AM           291,573 DSPdsblr.exe
07/24/2007  04:58 PM            95,616 junction.exe
08/04/2012  10:28 PM    <DIR>          MSOCache
04/10/2014  04:46 PM    <DIR>          Program Files
04/09/2014  04:38 PM    <DIR>          RegBackup
03/24/2014  09:36 PM                 0 ReporteAction[1].htm
03/24/2014  09:36 PM                 0 reporte_getPacienteByFechaModificacion_20100908.pdf
08/21/2013  10:30 PM           785,600 taskschd.dll
03/24/2014  10:08 PM                 6 test.txt
01/31/2013  01:37 PM    <DIR>          TTB
01/29/2014  01:42 PM        10,277,376 VB60SP6-KB2708437-x86-ENU.msi
04/10/2014  05:13 PM    <DIR>          WINDOWS
03/24/2014  09:36 PM                 0 XqueryProperties.xml
              13 File(s)     11,454,003 bytes
               8 Dir(s)  28,730,372,096 bytes free

C:\>start "" /wait "D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\vss_pause.exe" 

[4/15/2014 - 3:29:13 PM]

C:\>"D:\Shanes Stuff\__Tweaking.com\Programs\Tweaking.com - Registry Backup\files\dosdev.exe" -r -d B: 

[4/15/2014 - 3:29:13 PM]

VSHADOW.EXE 2.2 - Volume Shadow Copy sample client
Copyright (C) 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

(Option: Generate SETVAR script 'C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss-setvar.bat')
(Option: Execute binary/script after shadow creation 'C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss.bat')
(Option: Create shadow copy set)
(Gathering writer metadata...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Initialize writer metadata ...
Discover directly excluded components ...
- Excluding writer 'MSDEWriter' since it has no selected components for restore.
Discover components that reside outside the shadow set ...
Discover all excluded components ...
Discover excluded writers ...
Discover explicitly included components ...
Verifying explicitly specified writers/components ...
Select explicitly included components ...
 * Writer 'Microsoft Writer (Service State)':
   - Add component \Content Indexing Service
   - Add component \Config Directory
   - Add component \Event Logs
 * Writer 'Microsoft Writer (Bootable State)':
   - Add component \COM+ Registration Database
   - Add component \Registry
 * Writer 'WMI Writer':
   - Add component \WMI
Creating shadow set {98530328-912d-45d9-a810-41cae21f37d5} ...
- Adding volume \\?\Volume{51664687-9753-11e1-8494-806d6172696f}\ [C:\] to the shadow set...
Preparing for backup ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Creating the shadow (DoSnapshotSet) ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
Shadow copy set succesfully created.

List of created shadow copies: 

Querying all shadow copies with the SnapshotSetID {98530328-912d-45d9-a810-41cae21f37d5} ...

* SNAPSHOT ID = {e656c312-557c-4015-851e-ee365a035892} ...
   - Shadow copy Set: {98530328-912d-45d9-a810-41cae21f37d5}
   - Original count of shadow copies = 1
   - Original Volume name: \\?\Volume{51664687-9753-11e1-8494-806d6172696f}\ [C:\]
   - Creation Time: 4/15/2014 3:28:56 PM
   - Shadow copy device name: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy1
   - Originating machine: (null)
   - Service machine: (null)
   - Not Exposed
   - Provider id: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
   - Attributes:  Auto_Release

Generating the SETVAR script (C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss-setvar.bat) ... 
- Executing command 'C:\WINDOWS\temp\vss.bat' ...
- Mark all writers as succesfully backed up... 
Completing the backup (BackupComplete) ... 
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)
(Waiting for the asynchronous operation to finish...)

Snapshot creation done.

[4/15/2014 - 3:29:13 PM]
