This file lists changes in versions before 1.3.1 Alpha. To see changes in 1.3.1 Alpha and later releases, see the ChangeLog.txt file. To find source-level changes use diff or a visual diff prog such as CSdiff (good for RTF files) or Araxis Merge version Experimental/Alpha - Status bar - notify uses different method w less Win32 calls (except "Bits=bbbbbbbb" section) but a little less accurate - notify now takes into account some stuff like initpopupmenu does - won't change bits on read-only mode etc - Optimized notify func & made easier to read - Can right-click for slightly different stuff (see src/help file) - Bugfix when clicking in ANSI/OEM - caret is resized properly now - Bugfix when iCurbyte is on the END & there is a selection - used to get goto dlg - Partial open mode - Revert can now be used - Open partially deselects when successful - Can now change the buffer size in partial open mode because I figured out a way to resize part of a file that is similar to the algorithm used in insert file & memmove - When you open the file you can specify that you want the offsets to be displayed relative to the start of the file instead of the start of the block. As of yet this is just a kludge. - Export hexdump takes this into account - Insert file - Bugfix in insert file - can now insert without changing data on failure - also the file inserted is selected - Can now delete selection by inserting size 0 file - Reads directly into DataArray - no buffer alloc except resizing DataArray - Knows that when the a zero size file is inserted with no selection on that the file has not changed. - Can now insert the file being edited - Enter decimal value - Bugfix - can now enter a DWORD at the 4th byte before the end & similarly a word on the second last byte eg here -> 00 00 00 00 __ <-end or here -> 00 00 __ <-end - Now gets the value size requested from the DataArray not just 1 byte but rounds down if there are not enough bytes in the file - Scrollbars - Fixed (I think) - bug reports anyone? - Now have a page size according to size of file & viewable area - Scroll positions don't change when window is resized/switched back to - 32bit scroll positions enabled using GetScrollInfo - Offsets - Bugfix - when the offset len is too small for the largest offset it is adjusted when printing & outputting hex and smaller offsets are right padded with spaces (unless auto offsetlen mode is on) - iOffsetLen replaced with iMinOffsetLen & iMaxOffsetLen - Auto-offset length - make offset length the len req'd to show the whole offset - left padded w zeros or right padded w spaces - also in upgrade box - OffsetLen can now be 1 to INT_MAX instead of 1-9 thanx to strlen - Clicking in offsets updates window contents less - not when autooffsetlen is on - Import Hexdump - Title set to Untitled properly - Less obtruse & shorter messages for importing hex errors etc - Can import from the clipboard - It does not set the offsetlen etc until after finished successfully - can cancel on errors & return to old data - If the first offset found is x it will ask to add x NULL bytes before importing the known hex digits - bFileNeverSaved is now set to 1 & filename set to Untitled - When the user asked frhed to replace display settings, the first offset is not zero and the user didn't insert null bytes then frhed will display offsets relative to the first offset found. - Adjusts bAutoOffsetLen as necessary - Added EOF checks & bugfixes wrt lines consisting only of spaces - Internal Status(F2) - Now shows cxBuffer - Optimized - no more strcat calls - Miscellaneous - Drag-drop expanded to full OLE2 target and source, with scrolling, format selection - Selecting improved - timer to start, select outside chars/bytes, nav keys move start of sel, scroll rate variation, esc resets selection, - Raihan's website changed to - Fixed bug introduced by window creep bugfix - Paste enhancements: list updates when clipboard changes, format names are better - Bugfix: Window creep when taskbar is at top or left of the screen is now prevented - Improved GNU/Cygwin compatibility - Makefile & stuff - nas' changes integrated - separate hex window & class from main window - Drag-opening improved (duplicate code removed & pick which file) - Pabs' email changed to - Drag-drop editing implemented - Edit/Move -> Edit/Move/Copy bytes... - Bugfixes: Up & Down update the current line before scrolling - Bugfix: Pagedown can't scroll below the last line - Scrolling when selecting: can scroll horizontally & can't scroll below the last line - Bugfix: reverse_bytes checks for reversing 1 byte - Added Options/Color settings/Reset colours to standard & Adopt OS colour scheme, Edit/Reverse bytes & Move/Copy bytes to the endnotes of the RTF file - Bugfix: Edit/Paste is now enabled when there is any data of any type on the clipboard consistent with its new functions - CreateLink changed - the description is no longer set - FUZZPROOF definition removed & invalid Win32 message param checks are always done - Find next & prev call CMD_find if findstring is empty - Removed commented out code. - Updated ansimap.bmp & oemmap.bmp to reflect a more contemporary frhed - Uglyfix & Bugfix: Passing relative paths or MS-DOS 8.3 short names to frhed didn't work nicely before, but now does (no more ugly MS-DOS 8.3 short names in the mru list or title bar, eeeww yuk!!!) - Edit/Reverse bytes command created - When selecting mousemove only repaints when the offset of byte the mouse is over has changed - When files are opened they are checked for read-onlyness - Made it so that calls to printf are redirected to ./debug.txt when frhed is compiled with _DEBUG - Edit/Move command created - Fill with assumes the whole file if not selected - Can now replace selection by typing a character - CMD_save calls CMD_save_as after alerting the user if the file has never been saved - Bugfixes in the Make backups option - can use in partial open mode & save_as doesn't make backups - 00-FF.bin distributed with the package - "Adopt OS colour scheme" created - iSepColorValue & iBmkColor are not changed - Added some checks for invalid Win32 message params - search for "try" - F3 is find prev. & F4 is find next - used to be the other way round - illogical as F3 < F4 on almost all keyboards - Unselecting with the arrow keys works consistently now no matter where the start and end of the selection is - left is go to the nibble before the selection - right is go to the nibble after the selection - try the others yourself - ESC deselects - iCurbyte becomes the start of selection - Chance to save before text edit open - Less obtruse & shorter message for saving changes -"Do you want to save your changes?" - Bugfixes in DisplayProc - in the upgrade box - to do with offsets - Went on a NULL hunt - only a few MessageBox'es are called with NULL as the owner - hwnd is NULL here anyway - Save sel as no longer swaps start & end of sel - Read float portability increased & optimised - sizeof instead of constants & no more strcat calls - Removed file_is_loadable usage from load_file - waste of time since the both call _open(fname,_O_RDONLY|_O_BINARY,_S_IREAD|_S_IWRITE) - When going to bookmark selection is turned off - Delete file now removes the file from the mru list - Paste can use data types other than CF_TEXT - Text formats are scanned for a null terminator - Needs to be better - sometime I may write a unicode version of create_bc_translation - need to find a way to find out the requested size (instead of the GlobalAlloc'ed size returned by GlobalSize) - Bugfixes in shortcuts dlg & CreateLink - ANSI/POSIX instead of Win32 - Now use rename() instead of MoveFile() - Now use remove(char*) instead of DeleteFile(char*) - More easily updateable menu system - no longer have to change all the old numbers to new ones - I think it is worth the extra processing & most compilers can optimise this to constants anyways - To add a new menu put the following in the same position as it is in the Script1.rc file in initmenupopup else if( l == ii++ ){ } version 1.0.156: October 14th, 2000 - no further code changes, just "beta" note removed from various places. version 1.0.156b2.Pabs.1 September 2000 CMD_select_block now accepts any values & clips them to the right values left clicking in offset decrements (right increments) the offset len bugfixes & redesign of Import Hexdump (Thanx to The Starman for his bug notification) bugfix in CreateLink - now creates the directory before the link RK's 1.0.156b2 changes integrated: ---------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.0.156 beta 2: August 30th, 2000 - changed variables for partial opening to unsigned (opening with offsets greather than 2 GB didn't work before). - added Text2BinTranslator class. - fixed problem with replacing with same replace-with and to-replace data (would enter infinite loop). - fixed problem with offset length setting: must be between 1 and 9. - Bugfix: replace would only delete half the existing data when replacing with empty. - Bugfix: find would not update last find string correctly. Now iFindDlgBufLen is set to (64 * 1024 - 1) in constructor and the memory allocated. Only the destructor deallocates it. - Added Gerson's WindowBlinds fix. ---------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.0.156b1.Pabs.2 June/July 2000 - Bugfix in insert file - when selected & you insert the file, the selection will extend to the whole file you inserted - Paint function is shorter - Single left clicking the status bar does stuff part 1 if size = 0 append if on end byte goto if selected select block when on offsets else deselect if non-selected goto, bitmanip, direct bitmanip,select block, un/signed flip, enter decimal value part 2 toggle ANSI <--> OEM, READ / INS / OVR, L <--> B part 3 append - Bugfix in set_wnd_title - would not set status text if selected - The select block dlg box starts up with start & end of selections in if selected - The enter decimal value box rechecks the data size option button that was last used (byte if none used) - Now memdc used to minimise flicker when USEMEMDC is defined - There are bugs in this so BITBLT_TOMDC & UPDATE_ALL_LINES can be used to fix this - both decrease speed (1st is slower but more correct) version 1.0.156b1.Pabs June/July 2000 - Make backups option added - Export hexdump can just output the hex bytes - Import Hexdump command added - Insert file command can be used to replace the selection with the contents of a file - Fixed bug wrt Export hexdump (if user specified start > user specified end) - Registry menu implemented - it contains the following - In all context menu - In unknown context menu - Is default in unknown context - Save ini when required - Change instance - Remove frhed - Upgrade - Shortcuts to frhed Source changes - Debug version compiles with a message saying that it has been compiled in debug mode - F2 turned on for debug version(internal status) - Texttoclipboard function mutated into two functions (1st uses null terminated string 2nd uses string of specified length) - MessageCopyBox now uses Texttoclipboard version 1.0.156 beta 1: May 5th, 2000 - added selecting by holding shift and left-clicking. version 1.0.155 (final): March 28th, 2000 - no further code changes, just "beta" note removed from various places. version 1.0.155 beta 3: March 11th, 2000 - Replace can also delete found data now ("replace with empty"). Problem: the first occurance is NOT replaced. - Uses pabs's MessageCopyBox in file properties and read-float command. - Give a warning if character keys are pressed in read-only mode. - Added pabs's copy button in the comparison results window. version 1.0.155 beta 2: March 9th, 2000 - Modified View Options dialogue by placing the "automatically adjust bytes per line" checkbox nearer to the edit box for bytes per line and added some clarifying text. - Modified fill_with with Pabs' patch because it would crash when compiled with MS VC++ 4.0. - Added a "dummy = 0;" in SimpleArray::Replace because there used to be a warning about uninitialized data. - Deselected data after loading a new file. - View status is updated after using "Insert file" command, used to cause trouble with scrolling. - Can't choose file being edited for "Insert file". version 1.0.155 beta 1 - Added Replace command. - Added rest of Pabs' improvements. - Added Pabs' bit display to status window. - Fixed bug in cut command: "Cut up to and including offset" would show value too large by one. - When dragging the vertical scrollbar button to the bottom the data displayed does not consist of only the last line at the top of the window anymore. - Now two separator lines in front of the characters. - Automatically make selected data the data to search for for the find command. Also works with the find-next and find-previous commands. (Problem: find-previous finds the actual previous occurance only after *two* calls) - In the save-as command: asks if a file should be overwritten if it already existed. - Fixed Cut bug: using "cut up to offset" would always return 1 byte to cut. - Fixed bug in find function: searching would find values at end of file position. - Improved procedure for inserting of hex values with keyboard. - Added typecasts in filedrop-handler for compatibility with newer VC compilers. - Fixed open from command line problem in Win2000 (patch sent in by Bo Wannerberg). - Changed some menu captions in Edit menu. - Cursor changes to text i-beam when selecting. - Added command to add frhed to the Windows Explorer context menu. Following notes were copied from Pabs' history file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 31st January 2000:version 1.0.155 - pabs patch - The fill selection with command allows you to |=, &= or ^= the current byte of your expression with that of the file 25th-27th January 2000:version 1.0.155 - pabs patch - Added save selection as, insert file, delete file & close file (same as new in fact IS new(same id therefore is the same)) - Can specify the number of bytes to skip between pastes 20th&21st January 2000:version 1.0.155 - pabs patch - Fill with dlg box displays hex versions of sizes and only uses the symbol font for the infinity character-not for nums as well - Odd numbers of hex digits entered result in the buf being a char version of concatenation of two of the hex versions not the last byte being 0X where X is the last (odd numbered) hex digit eg "ffa"->"ffaffa"->"ÿ¯ú" odd even char - The char box was pissing me off so I got rid of it - Status bar also shows the bits of the current byte in order MSB to LSB - Can now revert to saved version of file 21st December 1999:version 1.0.155 - pabs patch - "Fill selection with" added (no preference data) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8th August 1999: version 1.0.154 - A separate set of preference data is saved for every instance of frhed. 5th August 1999: - all settings are now stored in the registry 21st July 1999: version 1.0.153 - Display wait-cursor when opening and saving. - Set nibble position to 0 on New command. - Added button that opens homepage in About box. - Configurable Browser name. - Added WaitCursor class. - frhed would crash when arrow-up was pressed on empty file: now print_line does nothing if not even the index after the last valid byte is in the line to print. 9th July 1999: version 1.0.152 - Added operator+ to SimpleString - Changed About-box (homepage URL added). - Paste insert/overwrite mode depends on global mode. - Added "Open in text editor" command. - Added SimpleString class. 7th July 1999: version 1.0.151 - ToggleInsertmode only calls setwindowtitle. 6th July 1999: - Added "Find next/previous" commands. - Fixed display bug: when resizing, the current byte was centered in the view even if there was a selection. - Fixed mouse selection bug: now selecting is only possible if button was down on a valid position. 23rd June 1999: version 1.0.150 - Fixed hexdump bug: If end of selection was lesser than start of selection program would crash. 17th June 1999: version 1.0.149 - Fixed paste bug: frhed would not insert correctly from Paste and Paste with dialogue commands. - Changed dropfiles(): if link files are dropped into window user can choose between opening target file or link file itself. 3rd June 1999: version 1.0.148 - Bit manipulation dialog reports current value of byte being manipulated on changes. - Selected data and bookmarks displayed in customizable colors. - Added typecasts to SelectObject calls (Newer compilers require explicit cast). - initmenupopup changed. - Added character set tables to helpfile. - Linebuffer only reallocated if too small. 10th March 1999: version 1.0.147 - Added code for handling link files. - Open window in same state as closed last. - Added "Primer" in help file. - Removed double default value for SimpleArray::SetSize. VC++ 4.0 did not report that error! 7th February 1999: version 1.0.146 - Now possible to open partially relative to file end. - Added relative go-to. 6th February 1999: version 1.0.146 - In hexdump export: more OEM chars are printed out, if there is selection then those lines will be initialised for exporting. - Added read-only mode. 21st January 1999: version 1.0.145 - Fixed cut&paste-bug: Single backslash would be copied just as such, resulting in wrong data being pasted if backslash was followed by a "<" ("\<" is special code for a "<" without bytecode translation). Now backslash is copied as double backslash ("\\"). 14th January 1999: version 1.0.144 - Fixed bug in lbuttonup: could not set caret to END position with mouse click. - Fixed bug in lbuttondown: invalid selection ranges if selection started at END position. - Added some missing key shortcuts for the main menu. 24th December 1998: version 1.0.143 - Fixed bug on scrolling down with arrow down key: print_line would write outside buffer when last line on bottom of window. 23rd December 1998: version 1.0.142 - Changed sequence of info in window title: now filename first, then "frhed" (easier to tell what file open when several instances of program are open). - Added template feature. 17th November 1998: version 1.0.141 - Corrected bug: when scrolling down with Arrow-Down-key there would not be marking of corresponding byte/char. 13th November 1998: version 1.0.141 - Corrected bug on opening empty files. 12th November 1998: version 1.0.141 - Accepts dragged files. - Improved print_line, should be much faster now. - Removed bookmark bug: maximum number of bookmarks must be limited to 9. - Increased max. number of MRU files to 9. 6th November 1998: version 1.0.138 - Fixed Paste bug: could not paste very large blocks of data because edit-box can only hold limited amounts of text. Edit-box in "Paste with dialogue" changed to multiline. - Byte-values of 10 and 13 not copied as coded values, so there are line breaks.