WinNTSetup 5.3.3 - fixed wim capture regressions - fixed trusted installer could not access temporary drive letters - automatically switch to wimlib, for non solid ESD (fix wimgapi crash) - wincopy commandline volume mode can use filemode as fallback - vhd drives can be saved and loaded from ini file WinNTSetup 5.3.2 - native ARM64 code for WIM apply and capture - WIM apply and capture will be executed as "trusted installer" - WIM capture UI adds compression level, defaults to wimlib's LZX Fast - wimlib wimboot apply - changed overlay type to WIM_BOOT_OS_WIM - wimlib capture WIM - deletes incomplete WIM after operation cancel - wimlib smooth progress bar for appending operation - using customized wimlib.dll (do not update!) - automatically switch to wimlib, if wimgapi can not load WIM file - fixed cancel setup was ignored during DISM operations - fixed WinCopy Volume mode problems - fixed some issues with ARM64 sources - added advanced VHD creation options - respect NTFS indexing option on target partition - no longer downloads ADK files on Win10/11 Host WinNTSetup 5.3.1 - updated wimlib to version 1.14 (faster wim capture) - fixed GUI capture may ignores WimScript.ini - fixed wimlib LZMS capture did not used solid compression - fixed auto format option should disable free space warning - fixed wincopy/wimcapture could not be canceled during VSS creation - fixed Win7-11-Select.xml required all fields to be set - added some support for MinWin with ARM64 sources - added commandline switch: -NoTweaks - much faster wincopy (wimlib mode) - changed wimboot/compact mode don't use exclusion for GPT formated disk WinNTSetup 5.3 - compiler updated to PureBasic 6.00 C-Backend - updated wimlib to version 1.13.6 - right-click on apply mode combo opens Tools\Compact\WimBootCompress.ini - fixed errors with native 4K drives - fixed VSS error not displayed - fixed Bootice Mod always starts in darkmode - fixed capture problem with OneDrive On-Demand files - fixed error message on FormatEx failures - fixed inaccessible devices were listed in drive combo boxes - fixed offline windows scan may not detect Windows 10/11 builds correctly - fixed internal VHD boot files option may create duplicate BCD entries - fixed auto format may not work if drive is in use - fixed loading ISO with relative path may create duplicates in source combo box - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -uuid:{UUID} (simular to VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid) - added WinCopy option (copy Windows from one partition to another) - added WinCopy and WinCopy-CLI command line - added ReFS support for Windows 11 23H2 - added combobox script selection to diskpart window - added -diskpart command line switch to bring up diskpart window - added WIM_MSG_ERROR and WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_HANDLE_ERROR Messagebox choice - added Remove OneDrive tweak - added DISM feature enable/disable and APPX removal - added possability to disable SFX detection with file: "nosfx" next to WinNTSetup_x64.exe - new right-click on tweaks button to quickly disable all tweaks - changed wimlib is the default compression engine - changed Unattend: Win7-11-Select.xml disables 42 days password expire - changed rearrage folder layout - MinWin: support inline comments (//) - MinWin: grant full admin access to files - MinWin: fixed VCRuntime 2008 installer needs sxsstore.dll and config\TxR - MinWin: fixed diskpart shrink needs defragproxy.dll - RegImport: added support for [?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...] (only processed if key exists) - workaround windows 7 Dism /add-driver bug 30 (AMD, NVIDIA drivers with LZSS compression) - workaround EFI NTFS driver bug WinNTSetup 5.2.6 - fixed Feeds did not got disabled on Windows 10 - added log files wimgapi_error.log and wimlib_error.log - added VHD-DIFF option - added commandline option VHD-DIFF -file:{file} -parent:{file} - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -mbresp - added commandline switch for VHD-CREATE -vhdbootletter:{0|1} - added commandline switch for NT6 -vhdbootfiles:{0|1} - new commandline switch -syspart and -tempdrive support VHD(X) files - workaround: added AMD's Shadercache to wimscript exclusion (buggy SecurityDescriptors) WinNTSetup 5.2.5 - updated ADK tools to version 22621.1 - disables DumpStack.log.tmp file creation - disables network requirement for Windopws 11 (disconnected devices only) - Logs are saved in \Windows\Log\WinNTSetup\%Date%_%Time% - added NVRAM log - added NVRAM tool: WinNTSetup_x64 NVRAM - added CatRoot trimm tool: WinNTSetup_x64 CATTrim WinNTSetup 5.2.4 - fixed Regimport did not support multi line binary data with inline comments - MinWin: added support for Unicode / UTF-8 text files - MinWin: added support for subfolders - MinWin: text files can have condition on first line to enable/disable the entire file WinNTSetup 5.2.3 - MinWin: added AntiLog, Services and Tasks removable ini files WinNTSetup 5.2.2 - fixed some SATA 2 USB adapters were not detected as USB devices - MinWin: added line condition FBLANG - MinWin: added support for multiple fallback languages WinNTSetup 5.2.1 - fixed NT5 GUI bugs - fixed MBR not written for VHD files (regression 5.2) - fixed error popup with old card reader devices - fixed regimport ignored HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - fixed noapply mode on NT6 could show NT5 builds - fixed DriveComboExclude not working on subsequent scans - fixed ini save load of driver options - increased border margins for darkmode toolips WinNTSetup 5.2.0 - fixed capture-cli did not reset console title - fixed console tools stdout could not be redirected - fixed disk name could show trailing spaces - fixed %errorlevel% not set in some cases - fixed apply error and silent command line option did not exist WinNTSetup - fixed free drive letter scan with buggy VMware mountpoints - changed local windows listview uses VHD/VHDX icon - changed WimBoot or CompactOS apply now uses wimlib as default - changed Win7-11-Select.xml will be igored if not all fields are filled - added SecureBoot detection on Windows 7 Host - added MinWin Mode (click on Mode) - added ini option DriveComboExclude simular to BootMountExclude - improved add other OS function WinNTSetup 5.1.2 - fixed ini loading bug - fixed wofcompress may scan path twice - fixed drive combo shows VHD icon for VHDX disks - support empty command line to override ini file (-drivers:, -unattend:) - Darkmode improvements - updated VHD/VHDX icons WinNTSetup 5.1.0 - fixed global disabling of combobox animation - fixed vertical alignment of edit controls - fixed now using rounded button in Win11 Darkmode - fixed vhd-create commandline option only accepts - not / - fixed combo could add empty strings and accepts them as valid input - removed subframe from Darkmode Messagebox in Win11 - added format option to ini and GUI (right click on F button) - added /help command line option - added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' boot file creation - added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' select as boot drive - added option 'VHD creation, FAT32 Part' assign drive letter - updated BootICE Darkmode WinNTSetup 5.0.3 - run ScanFiles.cmd if exist - Mica titlebar is default again on Win11 Dark Mode - fixed right-click on unattend label not open editor - fixed iso source mru selection problems - fixed wimboot:wimcopy exitcode not set WinNTSetup 5.0.2 - added command line -fat32:n - drivers and regtweak combo display relative paths - offline windows detection correctly identifys Windows 11 WinNTSetup 5.0.1 - Win11: disabled buggy Mica effect - Win11: use new font only, if system font is Segoe UI - fixed scaling with higer system fonts - fixed combobox flyout high for high dpi systems - fixed wrong log line - ini load/save dialogs remember last selection WinNTSetup 5.0 - mounting boot partition is disabled by default - combobox list to select boot and installation drive - MRU feature for most inputs - mounted ISO in VHD menu will stay alive - mounted ISO sources will be save with ISO names to ini - regimport supports HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes (UsrClass.dat) - regimport will effect all existing user profiles - separate disable Windows Defender tweak (-nodefender command line) - fixed WinRE could not display PNG compressed icons - new gui font on Windows 11 - uses Mica on Windows 11 - ini option nodownload added - command line source accepts wildcard - new dikspart GUI with selectable disk and warn dialog WinNTSetup 4.6.3 - "Disable the new taskbar icons of windows 10" tweak removes the new "Feeds" - fixed crash with differencing VHD - fixed vhd icon right click - vhd icon tooltip shows VHD chain WinNTSetup 4.6.2 - fixed a crash on Windows 7 with MSDM key in BIOS/UEFI - WinRE driver integration uses fallback \Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRe.wim - WinRE option for Windows 7 USB 3 driver integration - CAPTURE command line did not respect "-min" switch - CAPTURE command line may not set taskbar progress to indeterminate while scanning - some fixes for custom WinPE WinNTSetup 4.6.1 - fixed wofcompress process did not start - new driver mode option to integrate into WinRE - driver mode option saved to ini - wimlib capture appends date time in case to avoid duplicate image name - ini option WimCaptureAddTimeStamp added WinNTSetup 4.6.0 - fixed vhd detection regression - fixed dism dowload was missing logprovider.dll - fixed possible freeze caused by PathCompactPath - fixed possible freeze with "-noapply" mode - fixed some High DPI issues - fixed commandline iso attach did not return errorlevel for driveletter - dismount of vhd with hidden bootpart will force remove all it's drive letters - driver integration now uses dismapi, trys to avoid adding drivers of different architecture - driver export now sorts by driver class - move Tools\WimBootCompress.ini to Tools\Compact\ - logging content of internal VHD BCD store - added Win7USB3 driver integration / post install fix option (see Tools\Win7USB3\ReadMe.txt) - added wofcompress option - added remove autocheck option WinNTSetup 4.5.1 - VHD GUI will be saved to ini - ini option BootMountExclude supports DiskID - fixes listview font on non darkmode WinNTSetup 4.5.0 - Dropped 32-Bit version, system requirements are now Windows 7x64 + - VHD functions no longer uses diskpart.exe - VHD Attach / Detach supports ISO files - VHD Creation supports GPT Partitionsttyle - VHD Install will always create internal boot files depending on partition style - new default VHD creation type MBR - BIOS/UEFI - added VHD command line options /gpt and /mbr - fixed instant VHD creation cylinder bug - fixed iso mount does not select install.swm - Fixed open file dialog pattern not working on default WinPE 3.x + - Fixed wimgapi capture build number on H2 Systems (19041 instead 19042) - Support multiple "-regtweaks" cmdline switches - Workaround Win10 MessageBox Font bug - added ini option [vhd] bootpartsize - new ini option "RemoveBootMountsOnExit" - ini option BootMountExclude supports Vendor name - rewrote all file and registry recursion functions to use iteration - command line VHD creation uses expandable by default - command line VHD ignores disk size for expandable type - removed NT5 uxtheme patch - DPI-Awareness for Imdisk - Darkmode and DPI-Awareness for Bootice - ARM64 password reset - fixed ARM64 uxtheme patch WinNTSetup 4.2.5 - added ini option NoHiberBoot - added ini option KeepISOAlive ! Microsoft removed Assessment and Deployment Kit 8.0 from their servers If you still have these files and want to run WinNTSetup on XP/Vista overwrite the following: Tools\x??\bcdboot.exe Tools\x??\bcdedit.exe Tools\x??\bootsect.exe Tools\x??\wimgapi.old WinNTSetup 4.2.4 - Driverstore WOF exclude added to WimBootReCompress.ini - added MergeIDE tweak - added ini option NoFileSystemChecks WinNTSetup 4.2.3 - fixed Vista images could be applied in compact/wimboot mode - fixed compact:xpress4k using 8k compression with newer wimgapi.dll - fixed some command line ini option combinations - fixed vmware mounted drives disappear on winntsetup exit - new cmdline option regtweaks support wildcard file pattern - new scan offlines services to exclude Driverstore *.sys files from WOF Compression WinNTSetup 4.2.1 - Tools\WimBootCompress.ini by default for all builds - fixed some command line option not work with ini file - fixed ESD apply with newer wimgapi.dll WinNTSetup 4.2 - no longer needs Tools\DarkMode.msstyles - disabled multicore feature on 32bit Host by default - fixed hotfix uninstall on Windows 7 Host - fixed WIMBOOT:WIMCOPY mode on Windows 10 2004 Host - cmdline -noapply does not need a sources defined anymore - fixed NT5 install did not overwrite existing txtsetup.sif - cmdline VHD-CREATE and VHD-ATTACH return errorlevel for driveletter - updated wimlib to v1.13.3 Beta1 WinNTSetup 4.1 - improved Dark Theme (less flickering) - F1 Help text does support URL's, now have fixed TAB width - minor bug fixes WinNTSetup 4.0.1 - Added Dark Theme support - Added multicore appling of WIM - Added wimlib 1.13.1 - Added bottice - Added Disable Reserved Storage tweak - Added WIM Capture option - Added apply mode Wimboot:WIMCOPY - Added Hotfix uninstall option - Added Driver Export/Import option - Added LegacyBootMenu checkbox - Added exclude section to Tools\Win10Builds.ini - fixed wimlib apply alters WimBootCompress.ini - Fixed Hotfix Uninstall on light mode theme - Boot code UEFI will be selected as default in case of EFI system partition - WOF decompression of \Bootmgr, \EFI\boot\boot*.efi, \EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI - WOF decompression of \Boot\BCD, \EFI\microsoft\boot\BCD - Does not delete MountedDevices key for non sysprep images - Allow creation of expandable VHD with any size - Non fitting expandable VHDs will stop from auto expanding on boot - Workaround wimgapi "PrepopulateList" bug WinNTSetup 3.9.4 - GUI fixes - fixes for Windows 10 1903 - fixed UxTheme patcher for some Win8.0 and Win10 20H1 - improved OEM detection for WinXP - fixed tweaks did not work for Win2000 - fixed password reset did not work for Win2000 WinNTSetup - improved for High DPI - hiding Preinstall Editions - new ini option "DefaultSKU" - bug fixes - compact mode NONE - fixes for Win7 compactOS - bug fixes - UUP supported under WinXP WinNTSetup 3.8.9 - fixed under WinXP Wim could not be applied - Win10 taskbar tweak now also disables contacts - UUP auto detection - UUP direct *.cab support - downloads old wimgapi.dll 15063 - WinNTSetup_x86 bug fixes - WinXP related fixes - fixed unsigned driver option - cabinet.dll optional WinNTSetup 3.8.8 - minor fixes for Windows 10 Creators Update - optimized reg import - fixed a bug in offline password reset - uxtheme patch for all windows versions - support for splitted esd files - applying extended attributes (WIMGAPI only) WinNTSetup - updated ini file - removed Minhook - fixed appcrash - $OEM$ copy ignores NTFS permissons - fixed IATHook did not work with Win10 wimgapi.dll - changed tooltip used default system time - added imdisk on the fly driver install for Windows 7 and earlier - customize Win7 USB Boot with Tools\Win7USBBoot.ini - fixed iso mount for esd and multi arch ISOs - new ini option Lang=xxxx WinNTSetup 3.8.6 - fix boot partition mounted as A: or B: wasn't recognized - fixed Windows 10 installing from Windows XP host - minor improvements - fixed wimgapi loading bug running on windows 8.x - added GUI option for compact mode - downloads WofAdk and makes volatile driver install - offline windows tools will attach WofAdk - adding WofAdk driver to new installations, if compact or wimboot made is set - using exclusion filter to enable wimboot/compact mode for all Win7 sources and later - fixed esd files could not be applied in compact mode - support compact mode with wimlib v.1.8.2 - win10 with XPREES4K compact mode does not use additional compression exclusions - resized tweaks window - fixed bug in commandline options - fixed command line oem switch did not support relative pathes - default folder for file and folder browse dialogs can be defined in the ini file - fixed download command line option did not end WinNTSetup - accept WIM files that lacks XML information - improvements for Windows 10 TH2 - added commandline option timeout:n, to set the boot menu timeout Version 3.8.0 - fix VHD checks for windows 8 Core edition - fix dpi issues - fix reg import of empty values - fix win 10 bcd error - fix VHD GUI - fix user creation - fix gui issues - fix vhd creation may trigger format dialog - XP/Vista will try to load Tools\x??\wingapi.old if exists - added support for new WofADK driver - post processing PrepopulateList - support for METADATA_ONLY Wimfiles - downloads ADK 10 RC wimgapi.dll - support for custom.wim wimboot images - new command line option -ref:{reference.wim} - new command line option -wbc:{custom_wimbootcompressed.ini} - new command line option -compact - reattach Wof(ADK) after bootsect volume dismount - commandline option setup now respects ini file settings - workaround win10 bug, disable UAC only works correct on unattend setups - disable defender on windows 10 build 10xxx via group policy Version 3.7.5 - Windows Threshold compatibility - fixed wimboot check - disabled diskcopy.dll fix for Windows 10 (no longer needed) - removed freespace check for Wimboot installations - added BCDBoot option NONE, to ignore BCD entirely - added command line option -noreg, to not touch registry at all - fixed splited wim (swm) files could cause app crash - changed handling of wimboot and encrypted esd files - workaround for bcdedit bug - replaced deprecated GetVersionEx() with RTLGetVersion() - wimlib 1.7.4 or later can be used - some still hard coded string are now possible translate - fixed regimport not working in certain cases - fixed driver integration problems - fixed taskbar tweaks for newer Win10 builds - nolonger uses lying WinAPI IsProcessorFeaturePresent - prevent driver inetegration to win8.1 from Vista or older host system - driver integration recommands latest ADK DISM in Tools\x??\DISM * * This is required if the OS to install is newer than the one currently running. As a minimum the api-ms-win-downlevel*.dll are required Version 3.6.5 - fixed regression XP sysprep offline registry error - fixed About dialog DPI issues - using Descrition XML node if Name and Displayname are not defined - logging error code and hive path, if offline registry fails to load - boot entry now contains (WIMBOOT) or (VHDX) if these option are used - moved WinNTSetup_iso.cmd into Tools folder Version 3.6.0 - new option to use wimlib 1.7.0 for all WIM operations* - wrong error message for VHD checks - fixed applying failed on to low system freespace - fixed avoid wimboot uses on server type OS - fixed applying to a folder if current working dir has the same root as install drive - added -regtweaks:{path} commandline and gui option *You have to add the wimlib dll files to "Tool\x??\wimlib" folder and add "-wimlib" commandline parameter Version 3.5.0 - added support for WimBoot - fixed mounted ISO files on Windows 8 was not unmounted on exit - fixed EditionID was not detected on self made WIM files - fixed missing English fallback on not translated strings - added combo box to select bcdboot firmware option - added new cmdline switch: -bcd:{ALL|BIOS|UEFI} to specific bcdboot firmware option Version 3.4.0 - adding support for XP/2003 WIM files - fixed problems with Final OnePiece XP Update packs - EFI Boot files are now only created on EFI partitions - UAC tweak disables now also defender Version 3.3.0 - fixed sfc disable patch did not delete *.cat in dllcache folder - removed dll dependencies: imagehlp, netapi32, psapi - removed all deprecated win32 API's - fixed xp user creation, when setup an x64 OS from WinNTSetup_x86.exe - accepts bootice???.exe names in Tools folder and appdir - fixed swm files where detected by extention instead of attributes - fixed updating bootsector could use wrong tool Version 3.2.1 - reduce ADK download size by 600KB - new download command line option to download ADK silently - added links to about gui - removed bootice from tools Version 3.2.0 - fixed problem with "subst" drives - fixed drive label still not displayed on some systems - new support for esd files - command line accept relative pathes - on windows 8.1 system32 wimgapi.dll will be preferred - admin check now token based - updated offreg library to latest version Version 3.1.0 - fixed splited wim (swm) files could not be applied - using vista style folder browse dialogs if available - new runafter program selection on Ready GUI - fixed existing cmdlines.txt became corrupted - minor bugfixes - new hotkey: Shift+F10 to bring up Command Prompt - fixed Disable Hibernate tweak does not work on Windows 8.x - mount system drive check box is gone - tweaks that are not compatible with the OS to install are now hidden - new cmdline option to load a language, ex.: -lng:1234 will load the file Lang\1234.dll Version 3.0.0 - complete new written in a more suited language - new offline windows and office key viewer - new offline password reset - new VHDX support - fully supporting Windows 8.1