Credits wimb & alacran : for inspiration and file list with simular project : iavn kehayov : for his superb work on Windows 10 lite (Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC x64 v2107 lite) This folder contians the minwin profiles. A minwin profile has 3 optional subfolder Add The content of this folder will added to the root of the applied or captured image Reg *.reg files will added to the applied or captured image Remove *.txt files with file pattern that should be excluded from apply or capture operation *.reg files will added to the applied or captured image It also should have a WinSxS.ini This contains a whitelist for the \Windows\WinSXS folder Wildcards should only match one component, outdated version of this component will be removed The default profile should show a minmal setup-able and useable installation. Don't report program xyz.exe does not work. Alternative profiles or constructive reports are welcome. Filepattern condition examples \Windows\ShellExperiences matches a folder, so it will be removed, including it's sub directorys !\Windows\ShellExperiences\TileControl.dll matches a file, so it will safed (!) from purge 7600-9600 !\Windows\SysWoW64\shsetup.dll Only build numbers Windows 7 - 8.1 will process this line Setup=0 \Windows\System32\SMI This line will only be processed if the image is not in setup mode (SystemSetupInprogress=1) Arch=amd64 !\Windows\SysWow64 ; possible values (amd64|x86|arm64) The folder will be saved only if the architecture is AMD64 Lang=de-de !\Windows\system32\kbdgr.dll The file will be saved only if the Language is de-de FBLANG!es-ES \Windows\Boot\EFI\es-ES The folder will only be removed, if it's not a fallback language Different conditions can be combined with ',' same conditions with '|' 7600-9600,Lang=de-de|en-us|fr-fr,Setup=1,Arch=amd64|x86 !\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll