#These are hidden options, that can change the bevaviour of WinNTSetup. [Options] #Set Language, #### will load Lang\####.dll Lang= Disables Windows 8+ FastBoot NoHiberBoot=0 # Keeps used ISO files mounted after exit - (0 or 1) default 0 KeepISOAlive=0 # set diskpart script editor program diskparteditor=notepad.exe # Skip VHD usage warning - (0 or 1) default 0 IgnoreVHDs=0 # Don't mount boot partitions - (0 or 1) default 1 NoBootMount=1 # Dosdevices, Disk number, Disk Id or vendor name to be ignored, when search and mount boot partitions (use | as delimiter) # example: BootMountExclude=\Device\HarddiskVolume1|Disk1|Msft Virtual Disk # Use "WinNTSetup_x64.exe disks" to get vendor name an Disk Id BootMountExclude= # Exclude disks or drives from the selection ComboBox # Same format as BootMountExclude DriveComboExclude= # wimgapi or wimlib - (0, 1 or 2) default 0 # 0 use wimgapi.dll # 1 use wimlib.dll # 2 use wimgapi for apply and wimlib for capture UseWimLIB=2 # always uses wimlib for WimBoot or CompactOS installs- (0 or 1) default 1 UseWimLIBWOF= #Add always a TimeStamp to new captured WIM images - (0 or 1) default 0 WimCaptureAddTimeStamp= # Extend GUI scaling factor, for unusal system fonts # 0.1 makes GUI 10% larger GUIScalePlus=0 #Flushes the disk after apply - (0 or 1) default 1 FlushDisk=1 # WimGapi multithreaded apply (XPRESS, LZX only) - (0, 1 or n) default half of CPU physical cores # 0 - disabled # 1 - all treads # n - number of threads UseMultiCore= # Darkmode GUI support - (0 or 1) default system default DarkMode= #Disables the log file - (0 or 1) default 0 LogFile= # Shows string number in GUI - (0 or 1) default 0 HelpLangID= # Removes the Filesystem checks - (0 or 1) default 0 NoFileSystemChecks= #Show all 3 boot part icons on GPT drives - (0 or 1) default 0 ShowBootRecordIconsOnGPT= #Hide product keys and IDs (toogle with Ctrl + Alt + K) - (0 or 1) default 0 HideProductKeys= #Don't ask for download tools, limited mode only avalible for Windows 10+ - (0 or 1) default 1 NoDownload= #Use Mica effect only avalible for Windows 11+ - (0, 1 or 2) default 0 # 0 - disabled # 1 - Use on all windows # 2 - Use on main windows, no dialogs UseMica=0 #Show wimlib's Chunk Compression options for capture # 0 - disabled (default) # 1 - enabled ChunkCompression= [WinNT5] unattendeditor=Notepad.exe [WinNT6] unattendeditor=Notepad.exe # default edtition, if no index is specified # Professional, Core, Education, Enterprise, DefaultSKU= [WimHost] #Use WimHost.exe for WIM operations # 0 - disabled # 1 - enabled (default) UseWimHost= #Run WimHost.exe as TrustedInstaller # 0 - disabled # 1 - enabled (default) RunAsTI=